Liberia lost another great Soul (Tokay Tomah Kailie)

Tokay on far right with friends.

Liberia has lost another Legend Tokay TomahTokay was a celebrated Liberian singer and dancer. This sad event occurred in the united states. She lost her life to a brief illness.

The late 1970s when president William Tolbert than and Director of Culture Peter Ballah recruited her from Nimba County. Where she hails from.

 To join the Liberian National culture Troupe. She began her background vocals for many other Liberian musicians like Fatu Gayflor, Zaye Tete.

She sing about disarmament and reconciliation under the  United Nations arm. She later continued peace messages, through song.

Some of Tokay Tomah Kailie songs are; Open la door, Sweet Apple, Gnenezuwa and much more you can find on YouTube.

She has been honored with awards from the Musicians Union of Liberia, Afri-care Liberia, UN and the Ministry of culture and tourism.

She has performed in Ghana, Ivory Coast, Libya, England, Nigeria and many other places. As we mourn. Let us remember she lived a beautiful life in and out of Liberia. Representing mama Liberia where ever she went. 

Rest in peace our fallen soldier. Liberia misses you, the world miss you.
RIP Tokay Tomah Kailie.😪😢

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